Starting off with Robert Plant(lead vocals),the husky sound of Zeppelin,the pansy.....the symbol to your left is associated with him.The circle with a feather in it,apparently this is the feather of Ma'at who was an egyptian Goddess of justice and fairness and this symbol basically the emblem of a writer
The next symbol is 3 intersecting circles denoting a man-wife-child trilogy according to Greek Mythology also meaning a person who is very powerful and a master of his domain,this symbol represented John Bonham
Next is none other than the symbol of whom I would refer to the most talented but yet silent member in the band,its none other than John Paul Jones,the symbol on the left is a symbol of 3 vesica pieces which symbolises a person with competence,confidence and a person who is a master at more that 1 thing(exactly what John was),this symbol also appears as a watermark on the American declaration,most of you must have seen it either in cryptography books or even in the 2004 movie National Treasure starring Nicholas Cage
And this one I have delibrately kept it for the last as it has such a amazing meaning to it.This symbolises Jimmy Page most of you who have seen this before would be reffering to it as ZOSO but it has more to reveal than the eye can tell and a little spooky ... starting off
"O-O" = Knowledge of creation,a futher meaning is it could signify eternity,black magicians used to believe that the full understanding of eternity could open the doors of hell...
"S" the S is the middle which seperates the "O-O" is the symbol of Samhain the Wican Sabbath
the "Z" signifies subcounscious or death or as a matter of fact spirutal secrets from the dead
and last but not the least the sweeping line at the bottom means opening the way or the sum of all things in the universe which is basically also represents Page's Guitar
Now how was that Phew,pretty amazin huh it sure is .........